1,000+ Happy Customers
**Cues Solange F.U.B.U "This one is for us 🎤🎶"
Hi there! Welcome - we're glad you're here.
Swella stems from the source of many amazing things in life: Black Women. Two Black Women who valued their time so much they sought to save it.
Meet Swella - she embodies a maturity and warmth that nourishes us when we need it most. She restores our balance and removes any expectations of us. She creates space for us to "just be."
And like all great Big Sisters she's non-judgmental and protective. Protective of her community, protective of your hair health, and protective of who she serves. She can't wait to love on you.
Welcome to Swella's Braid Bar.
Our promise to our customers is to provide luxury, convenient, and stress-free hair braiding experiences. We are dedicated to providing an experience that is as beautiful and protective as the style.
Join the hundreds of others on our waitlist to access Swella Approved Braiders in your neighborhood. You will also be notified of new products and promotions we have.